Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekly Inspiration: House Beautiful Magazine

What an unexpected haitus from the digital realm I had last week!! So sorry, all my lovely readers...I'm plugged back in, rejuvenated, and ready for a great week. Keeping fingers crossed...

I randomly picked up a copy of House Beautiful at the supermarket this weekend {because I am on a constant quest to fill the void left behind by the closure of Domino Magazine} and I was quite pleasantly surprised! Just check out a few of the fantastic discoveries I made inside:

::A place to fulfill your fine art cravings {and almost everything is under $1000}: Lost Art Salon is an amazing resource for modernist, vintage, and antique art objects...and they have amazing fashion illustrations {see above}.

::Create your own fabric for sofas, chairs, or ottomans using an archive of historical images at Haute House. Flappers on my chaise lounge? Yes, please!

::An entire line of jewelry, housewares, and stationary inspired by the eccentric Edith Beale and Grey Gardens.

Three cheers for random inspiration!!!

1 comment:

Starr Crow said...

oh my, that chase lounge is incredible. i'm with you, i would definitely rock a flapper portrait on my furniture! love it.

i may have to check that magazine out, i'm always interested in new home decor ideas!