Sunday, September 13, 2009

Laura Lombardi: Gold Quartz Jewelry

Laura Lombardi creates THE most stellar necklaces made from quartz dipped in 24kt gold. A little witchy, a little rock-n-roll.


Poke Salad Annie said...

these look amazing! there's something strange to me though [and i am really not one for all the crystal-energy-new-age-y stuff] about the thought of this beautiful, clear, natural stone, all choked up n burried under all that gold. i think i'd like them better if she had taken molds from crystal shards and fashioned gold replica's out of them. does that make any sense? or am i way too hung over to be communicating with the outside world right now? :)

the southern hostess said...

So fun! Love these.

Anonymous said...

wow... i likey.

{Tara} said...

Annie -- Now that you mention it, it is weird to know that there is something so pretty inside. Almost makes you wish it were just a gold wrapper you could peel off!

Southern -- Thanks so much, and thanks for stopping by!

Okie -- Me likey you ;)