Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HUGE SALE on EVERYTHING at A Single Charm Vintage!

Wow! The summer is coming to a close soon, which means a much busier teaching/writing schedule for me. I have decided to clear out my Etsy shop by the end of August...hope to be back next year!!! It has been such a great experience selling on Etsy, but it is quite time-consuming, and I need to focus on school and research in the Fall. This means: BIG-TIME-SALE. Everything has been marked down by up to 50% off and nothing is over $25!! If you have had your eye on something, now is the time to indulge! Here are some highlights, but there is much more to tempt you. I hope you come check it out, loves:


Eli said...

I dont know what that fur thing is but I want it!

Sam said...

Hmmmmm....! Will go have a gander! (Is this an Aussie expression? To have a "gander" is to have a look.)

Kira Aderne said...

I love the leather skirt so much!
I would buy it, but I after I pay you I have to 60% of taxes here...I did ordered so many things lalety...I am so broke for paying taxes...I hate them :)

Lovely shop! I love all!!

Mila said...

Oh i love everything!

{Tara} said...

Eli -- It's a hat, LOL. and a cute one at that. My head is too big for it :(

Sam -- We southerners say "gander" too. Or, at least I do!

Kira -- It is quite expensive to ship to Brazil. I remember my ex-boyfriend always complaining about that when he lived there.

Mila -- Thanks! There are still MANY cute things left!

La Mercería said...

Want the shoes and the pink skirt

Sharon said...

Hi there-what lovely pieces, good luck with your selling and have a good weekend!