Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Girl Crush: Marion Cotillard

There was a lovely post last week by Amanda over at Mockingbird {a gorgeous blog and a new favorite} about girl-crushes. I agreed completely with Amanda's choices, and I wondered who else I might add to my list?

I decided I would need to add Marion Cotillard to my girl-crush list. She is beautiful without being overly perfect, adorable without being girlish, and SO talented {La Vie en Rose and Public Enemies}. I only recently came across the pictures of her from the Public Enemies premiere, and was not only smitten by how lovely she looked, but was also drooling over her Elie Saab dress...

The cut and shape are so classic and elegant, and I'm a complete sucker for the cut of the neckline and the perfect mid-calf length. And the pattern/color is mesmerizing -- it reminds me of an ancient Roman mosaic.

C'est perfect!

Do you get girl-crushes, too?? If so, you will LOVE the new blog, Got a Girl Crush, dedicated to women with style, wit, and personality!


promenade idiote said...

I have a total man-crush on Marion. sigh.

bloodmilk. said...

o i have too many.
my actress ones are
christina ricci & chloe sevingy

Anonymous said...

Marion is simply perfection, without being perfect. When I saw Public Enemies, I couldn't help looking more at her than at Johnny - and that's saying something! She's just so talented I feel like I should throw roses at her or something. *sigh*

Sharon said...

Hi there-She looks stunning in this dress which I agree has a fabulous style cut and pattern. I love Angelina Jolie, she's totally gorgeous!!

Amanda said...

HAha at jmhuculak!
Yes, she is quite lovely.

Love that girl crush blog!

{Tara} said...

JM -- She's French, so it figures!

Bloodmilk -- Yeah, Chloe is pretty amazing!!

Airam -- I agree. I just love her face...does that sound weird? She is pretty, but not in an unattainable way..she has quirks and faults, which I adore!

{Tara} said...

Sharon -- She is stunningly beautiful -- inside and out.

Amanda -- I know! Isn't that blog adorable!?

Sam said...

My big girl crush is for Joan Holloway and I'm quite fond of Drew Barrymore and Kate Moss too!

{Tara} said...

Sam -- Joan Holloway is a buxom godess...agreed!!

psrock said...

Her dress also reminds me of stained glass, like a Tiffany wisteria lamp...

One of my girl crushes is Rachel Weisz. Smart, sexy with a smidge of sass.

{Tara} said...

Jade -- Rachel is amazing, too!