Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lust List: Current Top 10

Are you dreaming of the holidays yet? You know, the season of giving...and getting? I am. Just a little. I've already finished most of my holiday shopping, so I figure why not start thinking about my own Christmas list? I'm in love with these things right now [though I know I will not be getting the Annick Goutal perfume unless Santa received a big tax rebate this year]...

A great color, chunky heel, and great price. These lace-up beauties from Urban Outfitters are calling my name. Can you hear it?

This gorgeous wreath would satisfy my love for all-things-peacock, and I could step outside of the traditional red/green holiday colors.

Everyone feels like a wallflower sometimes. These pretty little wall sculptures are a great alternative to framed pics.

Hands down, no one makes more interesting, unique, complex perfumes than Annick Goutal...and this Ambre Fetiche bottle would look so lovely on my dresser.

A Taschen book in every stocking! That's my motto. I've started collecting the "All American Ads" series, and this is next on my list!

Shapeways lets you create your own objects -- like these light poems. Choose a favorite poem or quote and they will turn it into a light!

I really dig the navy and peach in this slightly mysterious art-deco-ish print.
Jezebel's Gilded Lilies fine art print.

I don't even smoke anymore -- but these could persuade me!
Nat Sherman's Fantasia Lights.

Danger dogs Nepal Art Calendar. I just love the name -- and the kitschy feel.

What animal is cuter and sillier than Llama? Such an underrated animal!
Lusty Llamas by Dolamakes.


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

oh how i need that wreath!

Brigid said...

I love llamas! Those light poems are awesome, too!

My former workplace had a running gag about smoking Fantasias, so it made me smile to see them in your post.

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon said...

How awesome. I want them all.

Sharon said...

Hi there-some lovely things here, hope someone can delight you with one of these!!


Yummm! Those boots are divine. Thanks for the comment deary;)


Timja said...

That's sweet of you to say!
And, I like that mysterious photo you have in your "headline" (those two girls in masks), next time I'll go to a party I might wear something like that ;).

{Tara} said...

emily -- I know!! It is amazing!

brigid -- yay! Llamas are adorable, aren't they?

elizabeth -- Thanks! you might have to add a few things to your list ;)

sharon -- me too! I will pass your message along to my family and friends ;)

culture creatures -- yes...the boots are very lust-worthy. Your blog is lovely -- glad you visited me!

timja -- yes, that is one of my favorite photos by lee miller...I plan on doing a post on her soon. She was an amazing photographer and model...

{Tara} said...

marina -- thanks for visiting me! Sure, let's trade.

s.i. michaels said...

Holy cow, you're already finished holiday shopping?! I haven't even really started. My own lust list is probably just as long regardless....

{Tara} said...

ambika -- I had to finish early...otherwise I would spend all of my X-mas money!!

Stela said...

I have those flowers in my bedroom! They really do dress up any wall!

{Tara} said...

Estela -- yay! glad to hear from you. I'm also happy to know these don't just work in the photo, but in real life as well...

dolamakes said...

val's llama love is what started dolamakes. i was broke, so we made her some mugs for her birthday.

erie basin, awesome shop. i wish more of their stuff was on the site.

(horrible keeping up with blogs... sigh...)

Cris Piera said...


did you finally get the red ankle boots? I go myself a pair of them from Lotusse a couple of weeks ago and people on my blog just loved them!

so, if you just didn't buy them, go and get them now! ;)

kisses from BCN