Style does not necessarily mean fashion, and vice versa. Style transcends wealth and prestige. Sometimes it is pre-meditated, sometimes it is natural. It can be good design, a thoughful arrangement, a personal eccentricity, or a mysterious trait you cannot quite put your finger on. I think style makes the world a place worth living, because it requires consciousness and attention to detail...it makes the everyday into something amazing.

What can I say? My world would be pretty boring and lonely without him to share it with. He makes me laugh. He challenges me. He enlightens me. He respects me. He rocks.
♥Delicious Food
Magazines. Blogs. Classics. Philosophy. Low-brow. I don't judge -- if it stimulates my mind, makes me laugh, makes me think, makes me angry, makes me scared, or just plain entertains me, I'm happy! And yes, I read Foucault when I was three years old...just kidding.

I'm an equal-opportunity music-listener. I love old country music, French pop, 80's new wave, hip-hop, southern rock, indie, disco, 50's rockabilly, classical, psychedelic. I have a ridiculously large music collection, and I download new stuff every week. I must have it all!! How fantastic is this old-school picture of Madonna, by the way??
I just adore the photos you chose to represent your happiness!
i love this post!!! you picked the best photos for the post (love old school madonna!)
oh fun! ima think about this one for a day or two...
thanks for the tag :)
ita with ambika. i couldn't tell it's Madonna; it's really fantastic.
What makes me happy?
All the most important things that make me happy are too personal to share, plus I would sound like a total cheese queen. Having children does this too you, a big wedge of Edam where a woman once stood.
You however, have done it perfectly, we share an opinion on some of the happier things in life for sure, such as good food and Ossie Clark, the go to man for style.
AWESOME!!! Awesome photos and awesome sentiments! I wish I'd put my boyfriend now too - but he is a bit like - "Don't put me in your blog lady!!!" Can I say now that what you said about your boyfriend I'd like to say about mine too? :)
Have a lovely, lovely Friday and weekend Tara!
These pictures are amazing!! Especially the kid reading Foucault and the old school Madonna candid. I also completely relate to your love of Ruscha- so perfectly irreverent!
yay! you played along! It was fun reading about your "5 happy things"! p.s The Bf picture is so cute:)
ooooh, tara, we are going to be very good friends, i can tell. my list would be exactly the same! and that first image is RAD.
Dear Tara!
Thanks so much for tagging me!
I am feel so honored!!! You are so kind to me :)))
I am so happy!
Just linked you back today!
Kisses and hugs,
Ambika -- Thanks! I had fun choosing them.
Starr -- thank you so much; I was thrilled when I came across that photo!
Annie -- Can't wait to see your answers...
Tom Tuttle -- Thanks! She still looks the same in the eyes!
Braindance -- Oh, I'm a cheese queen, too...I kept those things to myself, as well!
Sam -- Afterwards, I thought of a million other things I could have put, too...like my dog! ;)
My Special Stash -- I'm such a fan of his; there is just something about the combination of text and image that I love. I got to interview him a few years ago for an article!
Mothersvea -- Of course I played -- thanks for the tag!
Lisa -- Yay! I love new blog friends!
Kira -- Of course dear. Can't wait to see your answers!
this was SO inspired. loved it!
OMG YOU INTERVIEWED RUSCHA?!?! PLEASE say you will do a post about it soon!! And thanks so much for the fun tag. I can't wait to follow suit!
thank you, thank you for the tag! i'm so glad to be back to your blog and all my other favorites.
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