Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Single Charm Vintage Now Open on Etsy!

My Etsy Vintage Shop, A Single Charm Vintage, is now open!! After much wavering and pro/con list-making, I've decided to take the dive. It is still small, but I will be adding more and more, so stay tuned. Right now, I am focusing on accessories from the 60's-90's. I will decide in the near future whether or not to add clothing items. Take a look, let me know what you think, and enjoy! Also, if there are particular kinds of items that are of interest to you or that you would like me to keep an eye out for, let me know! There will be more items going up this week [including a gorgeous vintage Bakelite jewelry set], so come is a preview:


Brigid said...

Good luck! If you want to join the Oklahoma Etsy Street Team, let me know. I'm one of the co-leaders.

{Tara} said...

Brigid -- thanks! I would like to know more about it...

cable_zombie said...

Awesome items :D All 3 bags are most desireable....if only I wasn't moving house soon :(

It's a relief to find you'd ship to the UK...if you spy anything good, I'm in the market for a (fake, because I'm cheap) pearl ring at the moment! Gold or silver I don't mind, but I love vintage because there's usually no chance of someone else having the same thing :)

Kira Aderne said...

all is so cool, you are so lucky!


Amy said...

great items!! expect a bag purchase very soon- the only complaint i have is that you've made it so difficult to decide which one i want!! :)

Courtney said...

How fabulous! Here's to fashion (and wealth)!

Amy said...

I'm so happy to do business with you! sorry again about the delay with paypal- i hope the transfer goes through quickly. and good luck with the shop- i'm sure you'll sell wonderfully!

Milla said...

It looks awesome!!!!

Sharon said...

Hi there-Best of luck on your etsy venture, I'm sure you'll do very well!