Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weekend Reads: Links to the Strange and the Beautiful

I always enjoy suggested reading and fun links posted by my favorite bloggers, so I thought I would start collecting my own links of interest throughout the week and share them from time-to-time. I am inspired by so many things I read, and I try to share many of them here, but not everything is within the scope of my own blog (yes, I read some weird things!)!! Thus, "Weekend Reads" is born. Hope you enjoy!

♥I was introduced to the photography of Louis Amédée Mante and Edmond Goldschmidt [responsible for some of the earliest known photography] through this post on The Asherette's blog. Click here for more examples of their work.

Mummified Monks in this month's issue of National Geographic: Since the 1700s, tourists have filed past the mummified corpses at the Convento dei Cappuccini, a monastery in Palermo, Sicily.

Progress on the Prairie talks about activist/artist Cheryl Yun, who creates lingerie from newspaper clippings and photos of tragic world events.

Behind the Curtain shares some finds from old library books -- social events and parlor games from the early 1900's.

History Undressed looks at the tradition of riding clothes from past to present.

♥Lady Lavona explores the bizarre connection between art and death in her third installment of The Art of Dying.

Peculiar Beauty's hilarious vintage diet and exercise plans will make you laugh/gag...

♥I find this review of the new film Underworld 3 to be quite hilarious...and this coming from someone who loves all things vampire-y.


Ashe said...

Excellent-- these look like such wonderful reads! I can't wait to pour over them this weekend. Though, admittedly, I had to read the Underworld review ASAP!

Michelle Schraudner said...

These are great, thanks for sharing them! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Heading straight for mummified monks and Underworld 3 links. Thanks for these links!

Anonymous said...

dear tara, thank you for including my entry in your list. now i am busy following all of the other links. great finds.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to go to the Convento dei cappuccini since I was a child but for some reason I never had had the opportunity to go there (even though I used to spend all my summers in Sicily)...