Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Link to Remember...

I was honored and practically speechless when I saw that the amazingly talented Betsy over at From Betsy with Love [truly one of my favorite blogs!] featured me, along with some other excellent bloggers, on her Weekend Links. This euphoria will definitely tide me over for a bit...

Notice how Betsy makes these incredible collages? Kinda makes my blog look insanely glamorous! Well, off to study Victorian literature...


Sharon said...

Hi there-very well done, a much deserved award!

Anonymous said...

So nice! The pictures are gorgeous! :)

{Tara} said...

sharon -- Thanks so much. She made my blog look far more fabulous than it actually is! LOL...

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I was also feautered some time ago and it is true that it feels like she makes the blog more glamourus than it is hehe...altough i really like yours of course!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic collages indeed! :)

Michelle Schraudner said...

That's wonderful! Congrats!