Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pulling Myself Up By the Bootstraps

My riding boots arrived from Urban Outfitters today! I am so love with these boots; people are going to get really sick of seeing me wear these over the next several months. I just can't stress enough how an amazing pair of boots can make any outfit feel sexy, cozy, and pulled-together, all at once. The colors of my outfit today pay homage to the cool breezes of the past few days -- it reminds me of pumpkins, candy apples, and the crunch of leaves under your feet. It also reminds me, unfortunately, how horrible my allergies are during the fall months (notice I am turning away? That's because I'm getting ready to sneeze...) Oh well, every season has its sacrifices!

I got my hair cut yesterday, which always perks me up. I was about 50% sure I wanted to get a bob, but my stylist convinced me that (as I had suspected), my hair looks better long. I'm sort of glad she told me, because, as I recall, every time I cut my hair short I get really depressed. I think she saved my boyfriend from having to hear a lot of whining. I just got more layers cut into it, which looks flattering on my wavy, unruly locks...

Top, vintage Nicole Miller (under $10)

Cardigan, Uniqlo ($39.99)

Express Skinny Jeans ($59.50)

Riding Boots, Urban Outfitters, ($158)

Just a side-note: if you or your significant other happens to be a literature nerd (which is the case for me and my boyfriend), Urban Outfitters has a line of graphic tees for guys with prints of original book covers from the 30's, 40's, and 50's. We bought a Great Gatsby one while in NYC, and I ordered the Invisible Man version for him online. They are super soft...and cheap!

Urban Outfitters, $9.99


Anonymous said...

What happened to Miss Olive?

Sharon said...

Hi there-loving your outfit, the boots look gorgeous! pleased your dog is feeling better!

loveology said...

Great boots and such a lovely sweet dog! <3

Hope you are fine!

x Mila.

Ashlee said...

love your cardigan...

boots are one of fall's greatest accessories.

OptART said...

I love these boots on you! I'm on a quest for boots but so far my quest has turned up a whole lot of the $300+ variety. Urban Outfitter might just get my business.